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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


add(MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Creates a new segment vector derived from 2 segment vectors added together.
add(MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Adds two segment vectors together and sets it to target if provided.
addCommand(Command) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Adds a command to the commands list
addCommandAlias(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
Adds alias commands to the current command, needed especially for the primary command name.
addCustomChart(Metrics.CustomChart) - Method in class
Adds a custom chart.
addCustomChart(Metrics.CustomChart) - Method in class
addItem(GUIClickableItem) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Adds an item to the GUI
addItem(GUIClickableItem, int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Adds an item to the GUI at a specific slot
AdvancedBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, int[]>>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
AdvancedPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
adventureToColorCode(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.ColorCodeConverter
Converts all basic adventure color codes to Minecraft color codes
appendField(String, int) - Method in class
Appends an integer field to the JSON.
appendField(String, int[]) - Method in class
Appends an integer array to the JSON.
appendField(String, String) - Method in class
Appends a string field to the JSON.
appendField(String, String[]) - Method in class
Appends a string array to the JSON.
appendField(String, Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject) - Method in class
Appends an object to the JSON.
appendField(String, Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject[]) - Method in class
Appends an object array to the JSON.
appendNull(String) - Method in class
Appends a null field to the JSON.


BALLOON_ARMOR_STAND_ID - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.BalloonConfiguration
The display name of the armor stand
BALLOON_CHICKEN_ID - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.BalloonConfiguration
The display name of the chicken
BALLOON_CONFIGURATION_FOLDER - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
The folder that stores the balloons to be loaded
BalloonConfiguration - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.configuration
A class that contains configurations for the balloons and their entities
BalloonConfiguration() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.BalloonConfiguration
BalloonCore - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon
The core class to handle the registering of multipart balloons
BalloonCore(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Creates a new empty balloon core instance
BalloonEntityListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners
A class that listens for events related to balloon entities
BalloonEntityListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonEntityListener
BalloonMenu - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus
A class that represents a balloon menu
BalloonMenu(ArrayList<ItemStack>, String, Player) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.BalloonMenu
Creates a new balloon menu
BalloonMenuListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners
A class that listens for events related to the balloon menu
BalloonMenuListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonMenuListener
BalloonModel - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model
A class to handle the creation of balloon models with custom model data and color metadata
BalloonModel() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonModel
BalloonSegmentType - Enum Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model
The type of segment that the model accommodates
BalloonUnleashListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners
A class that listens for events related to balloon unleashing and leashing
BalloonUnleashListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonUnleashListener
BlackGlassPaneBorder - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.border
An example class to represent how a premade border item can be created
BlackGlassPaneBorder() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.border.BlackGlassPaneBorder
BlackGlassPaneFillerItem - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.filler
An example class to represent how a premade filler item can be created
BlackGlassPaneFillerItem() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.filler.BlackGlassPaneFillerItem
Bloons - Class in net.jeqo.bloons
The main class of the plugin that houses the core managers and the plugin instance
Bloons() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
BloonsConfigReloadEvent - Class in
An event that is called when the Bloons config is reloaded No player or balloon is involved in this event so the constructor is empty
BloonsConfigReloadEvent() - Constructor for class
BloonsEvent - Class in
A custom even class that can be used to create our own bloons events These are nearly the same as Bukkit events and can be used interchangeably
BloonsEvent() - Constructor for class
BODY - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonSegmentType
Accommodates the middle segments of the balloon
borderItem(int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The border item that is used to create a border around the GUI
borderItem(int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
The border item that is used to create a border around the GUI
build() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloonBuilder
Builds the balloon to a MultipartBalloon instance
build() - Method in class
Builds the JSON string and invalidates this builder.


calculateHeadPose(Vector, Vector) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Calculates the head pose of the armor stand.
cancel() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Cancels the current bukkit runnable instance and kills off the entities
cancel() - Method in class
Cancels the current event
canPickup() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
Whether the item can be picked up
cantPickup(NBTItem, int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The item that is displayed in the GUI but can't be picked up
cantPickup(NBTItem, int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
Creates a clickable item that can't be picked up with the click event cancelled
checkBalloonRemovalOrAdd(Player, String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Checks if a balloon needs to be removed or added
chicken - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
child - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
The child node of the current node
closeGUI(GUI, Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Closes a GUI for the specified player
Color - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.colors
A class to convert messages with hex codes, and hex strings to Bukkit colors
Color() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.Color
ColorCodeConverter - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.colors
A class used to convert color codes between Adventure and Minecraft
ColorCodeConverter() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.ColorCodeConverter
colorCodeToAdventure(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.ColorCodeConverter
Converts all Minecraft color codes to Adventure color codes
Command - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager
The base class for all commands within the plugin
Command(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
Creates a new command instance
COMMAND_BASE - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
CommandAccess - Enum Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types
The access levels of a command
CommandCore - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager
Handles the core functionality of commands and their restrictive access
CommandCore(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Creates a new instance of the command core
commandDescription - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
The description of the command
CommandEquip - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands
A command used to equip a balloon
CommandEquip(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandEquip
Constructor for the CommandEquip class
CommandForceEquip - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands
A command used to force equip a balloon to the specified player
CommandForceEquip(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandForceEquip
Constructor for the CommandForceEquip class
CommandForceUnequip - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands
CommandForceUnequip(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandForceUnequip
CommandPermission - Enum Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types
The permissions required to execute a command
CommandReload - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands
A command used to reload the Bloons configurations
CommandReload(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandReload
Constructor for the CommandReload class
CommandTabCompleter - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager
A class used to handle the tab completion of the commands
CommandTabCompleter() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandTabCompleter
CommandUnequip - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands
A command used to unequip a balloon
CommandUnequip(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandUnequip
Constructor for the CommandUnequip class
ConfigConfiguration - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.configuration
A class that contains configurations for the plugin configuration file
ConfigConfiguration() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
containsMultipartBalloon(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Checks if the registered balloons list contains a balloon with the specified ID
containsSingleBalloon(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Checks if the registered balloons list contains a single balloon with the specified ID
copy() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Copies a segment vector.
copyExampleBalloons() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Copies the example balloons folder to the plugin's data folder if it doesn't exist
copyLanguageFiles() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.message.Languages
Copies all language files over from the languages directory
createBlankModel(Material, int) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonModel
Creates a model from any item without a specified colour and with custom model data in the metadata
createColouredModel(Material, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonModel
Generates a coloured model with the specified color derived from the given RGB values
createColouredModel(Material, Color, int) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonModel
Generates a coloured model with the specified colour and custom model data
currentPageIndex - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.BalloonMenu
The current page index
CustomChart(String) - Constructor for class


DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Used for debugging purposes only
destroy() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloon
Destroys the balloons visual appearance and functionality This should be initiated with the removal of the player from the balloons array
destroy() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Destroys the armor stand and removes it from the world
DEVELOPER_CREDITS - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandAccess
Used to specify the command is disabled and can't be used by anyone including console and administrators/op's
display() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Sets the correct position and item in the armor stand.
DrilldownPie(String, Callable<Map<String, Map<String, Integer>>>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.


ENABLED - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandAccess
Used to signify the command is enabled and can be used
equals(Object) - Method in record class
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
EQUIP - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
The permission required to equip a balloon
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Used in the case there is a hard error
ErrorHandling - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.commands.utils
A class used to handle errors on commands and to send the usage message to the sender
ErrorHandling() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.utils.ErrorHandling
ExampleMenu - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus
An example of a menu made with the custom GUI system
ExampleMenu() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandEquip
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandForceEquip
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandForceUnequip
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandReload
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.CommandUnequip
execute(CommandSender, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
The functionality run on the successful execution of a command


fillAllSlots() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Fills all slots in the GUI with the filler item
fillEmptySlots() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Fills all empty slots in the GUI with the filler item
fillerItem(int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The filler item that is used to fill empty slots in the GUI
fillerItem(int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
The filler item that is used to fill empty slots in the GUI
follow() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Follows to the child's, also known as the previous nodes, point A location.
follow(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Makes point A follow to the desired location.
FORCE - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
The permission required to force equip or force unequip a balloon
fromHex(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.Color
Converts a message with hex codes to a Bukkit color


getBalloonConfigurationCount() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
Gets the number of configuration files currently in the balloon configuration folder
getBalloonTabComplete() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandTabCompleter
Get a list of all the balloons that can be tab completed
getBooleanFlag(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Gets a boolean flag from the NBT data of the item
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getChartData() - Method in class
getClickableItemFlag() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIHelpers
Gets the flag that is used to identify clickable item
getCommandDescription(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Gets a commands description by its alias
getConfiguredBalloonVisual(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Retrieves the item stack object of the visual appearance of the balloon
getDescription() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
Get the description of the plugin from the plugin.yml file
getDoubleFlag(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Gets a double flag from the NBT data of the item
getFinalizedItem() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
Gets the finalized item with the GUI NBT data attached
getFinalizedModel() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.MultipartBalloonModel
Gets the finalized item of a multipart balloon model with the specified metadata
getHandlers() - Method in class
Gets all listeners that are listening to this event
getInt(String) - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Get an integer from the config.yml file
getIntegerFlag(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Gets an integer flag from the NBT data of the item
getItem() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
The item that is displayed in the GUI
getItem(int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Gets the item in a specific slot
getItem(int) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.border.BlackGlassPaneBorder
A method to create a black glass pane border item
getItem(int) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.filler.BlackGlassPaneFillerItem
A method to create a black glass pane filler item
getMessage(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.message.Languages
Gets a message from the language file specified in the config
getMultipartBalloonByID(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Retrieves a balloon by its ID from the registered balloons list
getMultipartBalloons() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
Gets all the multipart balloon types from the configuration files
getName() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
Get the name of the plugin from the plugin.yml file
getPlayerBalloon(UUID) - Static method in class
Get the player's balloon from the active balloons map
getRequestJsonObject(BiConsumer<String, Throwable>, boolean) - Method in class
getSerializedString(String) - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Converts a message containing MiniMessage serialized strings to a Component that can be used to send formatted messages with gradients, rainbows, etc.
getSerializedString(String, String) - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Converts a message containing MiniMessage serialized strings to a Component that can be used to send formatted messages with gradients, rainbows, etc.
getSingleBalloonByID(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Retrieves a single balloon by its ID from the registered balloons list
getSingleBalloons() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
Gets all the single balloon types from the configuration files
getSlot() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
The slot that the item is in
getString(String) - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Get a string from the config.yml file
getStringFlag(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Gets a string flag from the NBT data of the item
getURL() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
Gets the website URL of the plugin from the plugin.yml file
getVersion() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
Get the version of the plugin from the pom.xml file
getVersion(Consumer<String>) - Method in record class
Gets the latest version of the plugin available on SpigotMC
GUI - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui
An abstract class that represents a GUI instance
GUI() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
GUIClickableItem - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui
A class that represents a clickable item in a GUI, both interactable and non-interactable.
GUIClickableItem() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
Creates a new clickable item
GUICore - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui
A class to interact with th entirety of the GUI system
GUICore(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Creates a new instance of the GUI core
GUICore(JavaPlugin, ArrayList<GUI>) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Creates a new instance of the GUI core with a list of GUIs
GUICore(JavaPlugin, GUI...) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Creates a new instance of the GUI core with a list of GUIs
GUIHelpers - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui
A class with helper methods to assist with GUIs
GUIHelpers() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIHelpers
GUIListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.gui
A listener to handle GUI click events
GUIListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIListener


hashCode() - Method in record class
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasKey(String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Checks if the item has a key in its NBT data
hasRequirement(CommandSender, CommandPermission) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
Checks if the command meets the requirements to be executed
HEAD - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonSegmentType
This is the head of the balloon, indexed as the last index in the multipart balloon
heading() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Gets the heading of two node vectors
heading() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Gets the heading of a segment.
hexToColor(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.Color
Converts a hex string to a Bukkit color


id - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.BalloonMenu
The unique identifier of the menu
INFO - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Used in the case there is an informational message
initialize() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Initializes the balloons from the config and clears the current balloons map
initialize() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloon
Initializes the balloons functionality
initializeArmorStand(double, double, double) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Initializes the armor stand with the correct settings for a balloon node.
initializeBalloonArmorStand() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Initializes the balloon's armor stand entity with the proper configurations
initializeBalloonLead() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloon
Initializes the balloon lead, which is a chicken entity that holds the leash for the balloon to the player
initializeBalloonLead() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Initializes the balloon's lead to the player (chicken entity)
instance() - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Returns the value of the instance record component.
inventory() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The inventory that is displayed to the player
inventory() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
The inventory that is displayed to the player
isCancelled() - Method in class
Returns whether the event is cancelled.
isHexCode(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.colors.Color
Checks if a string is a valid hex code
itemData - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
A map of all clickable items in the GUI


JsonObjectBuilder() - Constructor for class


Languages - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.message
A class to manage the translations and retrieving of messages
Languages() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.message.Languages
LANGUAGES_CONFIGURATION_FOLDER - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.ConfigConfiguration
The folder that stores the languages to be loaded
ListenerCore - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners
Core class for handling listeners
ListenerCore(Bloons) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.ListenerCore
Creates a new instance of the listener core
log(LoggingLevel, String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Log a message to the console
logDebug(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the console with the DEBUG level
logError(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the console with the ERROR level
logFinalShutdown() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a final shutdown message to the Bukkit console
logFinalStartup() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a final startup message to the Bukkit console containing plugin information
Logger - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.logger
A utility class intended to log messages easily to the Bukkit console
Logger() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
LoggingLevel - Enum Class in net.jeqo.bloons.logger
The different levels of logging that can be used in the plugin Contains the name and color of the logging level to use in the Bukkit console
logInfo(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the console with the INFO level
logInitialShutdown() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs an initial shutdown message to the Bukkit console
logInitialStartup() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs an initialization message to the Bukkit console containing the plugin name
logToPlayer(LoggingLevel, Player, String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the specified player
logToPlayer(Player, String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the specified player with the plugin prefix
logUpdateNotificationConsole() - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs an update notification to the Bukkit console
logUpdateNotificationPlayer(Player) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs an update notification to a player
logWarning(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Logs a message to the console with the WARNING level
logWithSTDOUT(String) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.Logger
Log a message to the console with STDOUT


meetsRequirements(Command, CommandSender) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Checks if the player sending the command meets the requirements to execute the command
MessageTranslations - Record Class in net.jeqo.bloons.message
A utility class intended to get messages from the config.yml file
MessageTranslations(JavaPlugin) - Constructor for record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Creates an instance of a MessageTranslations record class.
Metrics - Class in
Metrics(JavaPlugin, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new Metrics instance.
METRICS_VERSION - Static variable in class
The version of the Metrics class.
Metrics.AdvancedBarChart - Class in
Metrics.AdvancedPie - Class in
Metrics.CustomChart - Class in
Metrics.DrilldownPie - Class in
Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder - Class in
An extremely simple JSON builder.
Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder.JsonObject - Class in
A super simple representation of a JSON object.
Metrics.MetricsBase - Class in
Metrics.MultiLineChart - Class in
Metrics.SimpleBarChart - Class in
Metrics.SimplePie - Class in
Metrics.SingleLineChart - Class in
MetricsBase(String, String, int, boolean, Consumer<Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder>, Consumer<Metrics.JsonObjectBuilder>, Consumer<Runnable>, Supplier<Boolean>, BiConsumer<String, Throwable>, Consumer<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a new MetricsBase class instance.
MultiLineChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
MULTIPART_BALLOON_TYPE_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.BalloonConfiguration
The identifier for a multipart balloon type
MultipartBalloon - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon
The core class to handle the creation of a balloon and the functionality of the balloon tied into the ModelNode utilities
MultipartBalloonBuilder - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon
A builder to create/build multipart balloons
MultipartBalloonBuilder(MultipartBalloonType, Player) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloonBuilder
Constructs a balloon via an easy-to-use builder
MultipartBalloonEquipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player equips a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonEquipEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonEquipEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonEquipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonEquipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player force equips a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonForceEquipEvent
MultipartBalloonForceUnequipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player force unequips a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonForceUnequipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonForceUnequipEvent
MultipartBalloonManagement - Class in
A class to manage the active balloons tied to a player
MultipartBalloonManagement() - Constructor for class
MultipartBalloonModel - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart
A class to aid in the creation of the models used in the multipart balloons
MultipartBalloonModel(BalloonSegmentType, String, String, int) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.MultipartBalloonModel
Creates a new model for a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonNode - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes
Handles the movement and functionality of a single node, model, or armor stand in a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonNode(float, float, float, float, int, MultipartBalloonType, Player, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Builder for creating lead segment.
MultipartBalloonNode(MultipartBalloonNode, float, int, MultipartBalloonType, Player, double, double, double) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
Builder for following segments.
MultipartBalloonNodeVector - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes
A custom vector to store the axis of a balloon node
MultipartBalloonNodeVector() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Creates a blank model node vector.
MultipartBalloonNodeVector(float, float, float) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Creates a segment vector holding a 3D space.
MultipartBalloonPlayerJoinListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart
MultipartBalloonPlayerJoinListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerJoinListener
MultipartBalloonPlayerLeaveListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart
MultipartBalloonPlayerLeaveListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerLeaveListener
MultipartBalloonPlayerListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart
MultipartBalloonPlayerListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerListener
MultipartBalloonStoreEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player stores a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonStoreEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonStoreEvent
MultipartBalloonType - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart
An object to store the data of a balloon created in the config.yml file
MultipartBalloonType(String, String, String, String[], int, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, MultipartBalloonModel, MultipartBalloonModel, MultipartBalloonModel) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.MultipartBalloonType
Creates a new multipart balloon type which contains the data in the configuration for the balloon
multipartBalloonTypes - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Contains all valid and loaded multipart balloon types/configurations
MultipartBalloonUnequipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player unequips a multipart balloon
MultipartBalloonUnequipEvent(Player, MultipartBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the MultipartBalloonUnequipEvent


name() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The name that is displayed as the GUI title
name() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
The name that is displayed as the GUI title
NBTItem - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.item
An extension of an Item with the utilities to manage NBT data easier and more efficiently
NBTItem(ItemStack) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Creates a new NBTItem with NBT data from an existing ItemStack
net.jeqo.bloons - package net.jeqo.bloons
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes
net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single - package net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single
net.jeqo.bloons.colors - package net.jeqo.bloons.colors
net.jeqo.bloons.commands - package net.jeqo.bloons.commands
net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager - package net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager
net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types - package net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types
net.jeqo.bloons.commands.utils - package net.jeqo.bloons.commands.utils
net.jeqo.bloons.configuration - package net.jeqo.bloons.configuration - package - package - package - package
net.jeqo.bloons.gui - package net.jeqo.bloons.gui
net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.border - package net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.border
net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.filler - package net.jeqo.bloons.gui.item.filler
net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus - package net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus - package
net.jeqo.bloons.item - package net.jeqo.bloons.item
net.jeqo.bloons.listeners - package net.jeqo.bloons.listeners
net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart - package net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart
net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single - package net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single
net.jeqo.bloons.logger - package net.jeqo.bloons.logger - package
net.jeqo.bloons.message - package net.jeqo.bloons.message


onChickenPortalLeave(EntityPortalEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonEntityListener
Stop the chicken from going through the portal to prevent unleashing from player to balloon
onClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonMenuListener
When a player interacts with the GUI menu, do the action required accordingly
onClose(Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Determines what happens when the GUI is closed
onClose(Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
Determines what happens when the GUI is closed
onCommand(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Executes the command
onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerListener
When they die, remove the balloon they had equipped
onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
When they die, remove their balloon
onDisable() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
onEnable() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIListener
Handles the inventory click event of a GUI
onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
When a player joins, add the balloon back if they left with one, or just don't add anything
onLeadBreak(EntityUnleashEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonUnleashListener
Prevents breaking of the lead from chicken with the internal ID
onLeash(PlayerLeashEntityEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonUnleashListener
Used to check if player tries to unleash from their balloon, if they do then cancel it
onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerJoinListener
Checks if a multipart balloon needs to be added to the player joining
onPlayerLeave(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerLeaveListener
Checks if a multipart balloon needs to be removed from the player leaving
onQuit(PlayerQuitEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
When a player quits, make sure to despawn and store their balloon in storage
onRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerListener
When they respawn, add the balloon they back that they died with
onRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
When they respawn, add the balloon they back that they died with
onTabComplete(CommandSender, Command, String, String[]) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandTabCompleter
Called when a player (or the console) uses the tab key
onUnleash(PlayerUnleashEntityEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.BalloonUnleashListener
Prevents unleashing of chicken with the internal ID
onWorldChange(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.multipart.MultipartBalloonPlayerListener
When they change worlds, store their balloon and move the balloon armor stand over
onWorldChange(PlayerChangedWorldEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
When they change worlds, store their balloon and move the balloon armor stand over
open(Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Determines what happens when the GUI is opened
open(Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
Determines what happens when the GUI is opened
openGUI(GUI, Player) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Opens a GUI to the specified player


pages - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.BalloonMenu
The pages of the menu
parent - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
The parent node of the current node
playerMultipartBalloons - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
A map of all players with a multipart balloon
playerSingleBalloonID - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
A map of all players with a single balloon and its ID
playerSingleBalloons - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
A map of all players with a single balloon
plugin - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.Command
The plugin instance
plugin() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the plugin record component.
PluginConfiguration - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.configuration
A class that contains configurations and information regarding the plugin
PluginConfiguration() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.PluginConfiguration
pointA - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
The front most point of the segment/node
pointB - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNode
The back most point of the segment/node


quickRemoveBalloon(Player, SingleBalloon) - Static method in class
Remove the balloon from the player quickly


registerCommands() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.CommandCore
Registers all commands in the commands list
registerGUI(GUI) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Registers a GUI to the GUI core
registerListeners() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.ListenerCore
Registers all listeners in the listeners list
RELOAD - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
The permission required to reload the plugin
removeBalloon(Player, SingleBalloon) - Static method in class
Remove the balloon from the player
removePlayerBalloon(UUID) - Static method in class
Remove the player's balloon from the active balloons map
resourceId() - Method in record class
Returns the value of the resourceId record component.
run() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.balloon.MultipartBalloon
Runs the balloons' functionality that needs to loop infinitely
run() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
What runs inside the extended bukkit runnable, it's the control center of the core functionality of how the balloon moves
run(InventoryClickEvent) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUIClickableItem
What runs when the item is clicked


set(float, float) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Sets a 2D's vectors axis.
set(float, float, float) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Sets a 3D's vectors axis.
setBooleanFlag(String, boolean) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Sets a boolean flag in the NBT data of the item
setBorder() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Sets a border around the GUI with a specific item
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets whether the event is cancelled.
setDoubleFlag(String, double) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Sets a double flag in the NBT data of the item
setIntegerFlag(String, int) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Sets an integer flag in the NBT data of the item
setPlayerBalloon(UUID, MultipartBalloon) - Static method in class
Set the player's balloon in the active balloons map
setStringFlag(String, String) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.item.NBTItem
Sets a string flag in the NBT data of the item
SimpleBarChart(String, Callable<Map<String, Integer>>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
SimplePie(String, Callable<String>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
SINGLE_BALLOON_TYPE_IDENTIFIER - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.configuration.BalloonConfiguration
The identifier for a single balloon type
SingleBalloon - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single
SingleBalloon(Player, String) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Constructor for the SingleBalloon class
SingleBalloonEquipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player equips a single balloon
SingleBalloonEquipEvent(Player) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonEquipEvent
SingleBalloonEquipEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonEquipEvent
SingleBalloonForceEquipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player force equips a single balloon
SingleBalloonForceEquipEvent(Player, String) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonForceEquipEvent
SingleBalloonForceUnequipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player force unequips a single balloon
SingleBalloonForceUnequipEvent(Player, SingleBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonForceUnequipEvent
SingleBalloonManagement - Class in
A class to manage balloons and their removal
SingleBalloonManagement() - Constructor for class
SingleBalloonPlayerListener - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single
SingleBalloonPlayerListener() - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.single.SingleBalloonPlayerListener
SingleBalloonStoreEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player stores a single balloon
SingleBalloonStoreEvent(Player, SingleBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonStoreEvent
SingleBalloonType - Class in net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single
Represents the contents of a configuration for a single balloon
SingleBalloonType(String, String, String, double, double, String, String, int, String, String[]) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloonType
Creates a new single balloon type configuration for a non-MEG balloon
SingleBalloonType(String, String, String, String, int, String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloonType
Creates a new single balloon type configuration for a MEG balloon
singleBalloonTypes - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.BalloonCore
Contains all valid and loaded single balloon types/configurations
SingleBalloonUnequipEvent - Class in
An event that is called when a player unequips a single balloon
SingleBalloonUnequipEvent(Player, SingleBalloon) - Constructor for class
Constructor to trigger the SingleBalloonUnequipEvent
SingleLineChart(String, Callable<Integer>) - Constructor for class
Class constructor.
slots() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The number of slots that are present within the GUI It should be a multiple of 9.
slots() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
The number of slots that are present within the GUI It should be a multiple of 9.
spawnRemoveParticle() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.single.SingleBalloon
Spawns the particle effect when the balloon is removed
stageListener(Listener) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.ListenerCore
Adds a listener to the list of listeners
startUpdater(JavaPlugin) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Starts the GUI updater to update the GUI every 20 ticks This should be executed upon the opening of the GUI
stopUpdater() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Cancels the GUI updater to stop updating the GUI This should be executed upon the closing of the GUI
storeBalloon(SingleBalloon) - Static method in class
Store the balloon in storage and just cancel the runnable
subtract(MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Subtracts two segment vectors from each other.
subtract(MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector, MultipartBalloonNodeVector) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Subtracts two vectors from each other and sets it to a target is provided.


TAIL - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonSegmentType
The tail of the balloon, indexed as the first index in the multipart balloon (0)
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in record class
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class net.jeqo.bloons.message.MessageTranslations
Returns a string representation of this record class.
triggerEvent() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
The event that is fired when the GUI is opened or triggered


UNEQUIP - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
The permission required to unequip a balloon
unregister(Plugin) - Method in class
Unregisters the listener
unregisterAll() - Method in class
Unregisters all listeners from the event
unregisterGUI(GUI) - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUICore
Unregisters a GUI from the GUI core
unregisterListeners() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.listeners.ListenerCore
Unregisters all listeners and clear staged listeners
update() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.GUI
Determines what happens when the GUI is updated (this happens every 20 ticks)
update() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.ExampleMenu
Determines what happens when the GUI is updated (this happens every 20 ticks)
updateChecker() - Method in class net.jeqo.bloons.Bloons
Checks for updates and notifies the user via a log to console getDescription() is still used because of the usage of a plugin.yml.
UpdateChecker - Record Class in
A utility class intended to check for updates on the SpigotMC website
UpdateChecker(JavaPlugin, int) - Constructor for record class
Creates an instance of a UpdateChecker record class.
usage(CommandSender) - Static method in class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.utils.ErrorHandling
Sends a message to the sender that the command was not found.
users - Static variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.gui.menus.BalloonMenu
The users that have the menu open


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonSegmentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandAccess
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.model.BalloonSegmentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandAccess
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.commands.manager.types.CommandPermission
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WARNING - Enum constant in enum class net.jeqo.bloons.logger.LoggingLevel
Used in the case there is a soft error


x - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
Model node vector axis.


y - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector


z - Variable in class net.jeqo.bloons.balloon.multipart.nodes.MultipartBalloonNodeVector
A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
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