Class BalloonMenu


public class BalloonMenu extends Object
A class that represents a balloon menu
  • Field Details

    • pages

      public ArrayList<org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory> pages
      The pages of the menu
    • id

      public UUID id
      The unique identifier of the menu
    • currentPageIndex

      public int currentPageIndex
      The current page index
    • users

      public static HashMap<UUID,BalloonMenu> users
      The users that have the menu open
  • Constructor Details

    • BalloonMenu

      public BalloonMenu(ArrayList<org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack> items, String name, org.bukkit.entity.Player player)
      Creates a new balloon menu
      items - The items to display in the menu, type java.util.ArrayList[org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack]
      name - The name of the menu, type java.lang.String
      player - The player to open the menu for, type org.bukkit.entity.Player