All Classes and Interfaces

A class that contains configurations for the balloons and their entities
The core class to handle the registering of multipart balloons
A class that listens for events related to balloon entities
A class that represents a balloon menu
A class that listens for events related to the balloon menu
A class to handle the creation of balloon models with custom model data and color metadata
The type of segment that the model accommodates
A class that listens for events related to balloon unleashing and leashing
An example class to represent how a premade border item can be created
An example class to represent how a premade filler item can be created
The main class of the plugin that houses the core managers and the plugin instance
An event that is called when the Bloons config is reloaded No player or balloon is involved in this event so the constructor is empty
A custom even class that can be used to create our own bloons events These are nearly the same as Bukkit events and can be used interchangeably
A class to convert messages with hex codes, and hex strings to Bukkit colors
A class used to convert color codes between Adventure and Minecraft
The base class for all commands within the plugin
The access levels of a command
Handles the core functionality of commands and their restrictive access
A command used to equip a balloon
A command used to force equip a balloon to the specified player
The permissions required to execute a command
A command used to reload the Bloons configurations
A class used to handle the tab completion of the commands
A command used to unequip a balloon
A class that contains configurations for the plugin configuration file
A class used to handle errors on commands and to send the usage message to the sender
An example of a menu made with the custom GUI system
An abstract class that represents a GUI instance
A class that represents a clickable item in a GUI, both interactable and non-interactable.
A class to interact with th entirety of the GUI system
A class with helper methods to assist with GUIs
A listener to handle GUI click events
A class to manage the translations and retrieving of messages
Core class for handling listeners
A utility class intended to log messages easily to the Bukkit console
The different levels of logging that can be used in the plugin Contains the name and color of the logging level to use in the Bukkit console
A utility class intended to get messages from the config.yml file
An extremely simple JSON builder.
A super simple representation of a JSON object.
The core class to handle the creation of a balloon and the functionality of the balloon tied into the ModelNode utilities
A builder to create/build multipart balloons
An event that is called when a player equips a multipart balloon
An event that is called when a player force equips a multipart balloon
An event that is called when a player force unequips a multipart balloon
A class to manage the active balloons tied to a player
A class to aid in the creation of the models used in the multipart balloons
Handles the movement and functionality of a single node, model, or armor stand in a multipart balloon
A custom vector to store the axis of a balloon node
An event that is called when a player stores a multipart balloon
An object to store the data of a balloon created in the config.yml file
An event that is called when a player unequips a multipart balloon
An extension of an Item with the utilities to manage NBT data easier and more efficiently
A class that contains configurations and information regarding the plugin
An event that is called when a player equips a single balloon
An event that is called when a player force equips a single balloon
An event that is called when a player force unequips a single balloon
A class to manage balloons and their removal
An event that is called when a player stores a single balloon
Represents the contents of a configuration for a single balloon
An event that is called when a player unequips a single balloon
A utility class intended to check for updates on the SpigotMC website